Evaluation Samples: Clophosome®

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Evaluation sample : Clophosome®

It is a good idea to get to know our products and test out if they work for your particular application. Included in this evaluation sample kit are 1 vial of the Clophosome® and 1 vial of Clophosome®-A

Product code: F70101C-NAS

This kit consists one of both of the following items

1 vial (1 mL ) of Clophosome - clodronate liposomes (F70101C-N)

1 vial (1 mL ) of Clophosome-A - clodronate liposomes (F70101C-A)


1) This product kit is for evaluation purpose and limited to one set per customer. Feedbacks appreciated

2) Customer to pay for shipping/handling (US $60, Canada $80 and International USD100)