Control Liposomes for High Potency Clophosome® (Neutral, 1.0mL)

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Empty Control Liposomes for high potency Clophosome® (Neutral, 1.0mL)

This product of empty liposomes are made to match the physical and chemical attributes of the high potency neutral Clophosome® without the active clodronate encapsulated. It should be used as a negative control for F70101C-NH in macrophage depletion studies.



Product code: F70101-NH 

Lipid composition: phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol

Clodronate concentration: None

Volume; 1.0mL 

Bulk solution: phosphate buffered saline (20mM sodium phosphate, 0.9% NaCl), pH 7.0-7.5

Shelf-life: 6 months (guaranteed, replacement only)

Storage: 2-8 degree C